Tag Archives: advice/tips

Being Friends with Coworkers: Potential Pitfalls

Hopefully, you like the people you work with. So much so that you’re starting to hang out with them outside of work. It usually starts with drinks after work, progress to brunch on the weekends and pretty soon, you’re making plans to go see the newest James Bond movie with them. Becoming friends with coworkers […]

My Boss… Is A Micromanager

Micromanager.  A micromanager is probably a young professional’s worst nightmare.  But like any other situation in your career, if you can learn how to minimize the negative aspects and highlight the positive ones, you might actually be able to gain from the experience. Background Before we go on about how to deal with micromanagers, let’s […]

Defying Gravity: Upward Management

As a young professional, chances are, you’re more likely to be managed than actually manage others.  Management, to most of my fellow friends and colleagues, is always thought to have a downward flow.  This is natural since staff usually report to managers, whose title defines that they’re actually the one doing all the managing. What […]

Office Politics: How to Play the Game

In a perfect world, the rate at which you advance in your career should be proportional to the effort you put into your work. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. The fact is, “office politics” often play a large role in your professional development in the workplace. As a young professional, it can […]

Be the Perfect Social Chair: Team-Building Ideas for Your Office

All work and no play makes for a boring office.  Although the primary function of an office is to get work done, a little team-bonding social event can help boost morale and positive association with the workplace. Why would you take the effort to coordinate a social event for your office?  Networking, networking, networking.  Coordinating […]